Pontypridd Pagan Moot currently meets monthly, at 12 noon on the third Saturday of every month downstairs at Pontypridd Museum, for formal talks, workshops and discussions. We have workshops and talks on various subjects. We also have occasional social events where you can just come and meet and chat to other pagans. Complete beginners, and those who are curious and would like to know more about paganism, as well as more experienced people are welcome.
Also, anyone who may be interested in giving a talk or running a workshop on any aspects of paganism! For most meetings we collect a contribution of £1-£2 per person to cover cost of room hire and refreshments. Occasionally we have workshops which incur an additional charge to cover the costs of materials.
Please check out our
Pages “Pontypridd Pagan Moot” for up-to date information and details of all events, or if you are not on Facebook, email
for info about the next Moot.