Fyddech chi’n martsio mewn Band Jazz? Ydych chi’n nabod rhywun fyddai?
Mae Theatr Holm ac Amgueddfa Pontypridd yn cydweithio ar ddatblygu drama newydd am hanes Bandie Jazz Martsio yn y cyffinie.
Rydyn ni moyn clywed eich profiade, eich atgofion a’ch storïe!
I gymryd rhan ebostiwch info@holmtheatre.org i gael rhagor o wybodaeth neu bicio draw i’r amgueddfa.
Did you march in a Jazz Band? Do you know anyone who did?
Holm Theatre and Pontypridd Museum are collaborating on the development of a new play about the history of Marching Jazz Bands in the local area.
We want to hear your experiences, memories and stories!
To participate please email info@holmtheatre.org for more information or drop into the museum.
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