Banner Workshop with Artist Katie Smith
Dechreuodd IWD 2023 ar 4 Mawrth gyda gweithdy baneri dan arweiniad yr artist Katie Smith. Dyma rai myfyrdodau ar y gweithdy gan gyfranogwyr unigol:
“Fe wnes i fwynhau’r prynhawn yn fawr. Roedd pawb yn gyfeillgar ac roedd yn wych gwrando ar farn ein gilydd ar rôl merched mewn cymdeithas. Er mai gweithdy baneri ydoedd, roedd hefyd yn gyfle i mi wrando ar y genhedlaeth iau a dysgu ganddynt.” - Anne
“Mae wedi bod yn sbel ers i mi wnïo ac roeddwn i'n poeni y byddwn i'n gwneud llanast ohono! Daeth yn amlwg yn fuan iawn bod y cyfeillgarwch rhwng y grŵp yn llawer pwysicach na fy sgiliau gwnïo amheus. Mwynheais ddysgu am hanes gwneud baneri fel ffordd i fenywod fynegi eu hunain ac mae wedi fy ysbrydoli i ddal ati i wnïo. Roedd y sgwrs gefnogol a chynhwysol a gawsom ymhlith y grŵp amrywiol mor galonogol a chysurol." -Anon
“Fe wnes i fwynhau dysgu gwnïo - er fy mod i’n ei wneud yn anghywir o hyd! Tra roeddwn yn gwnïo, buom yn siarad am ba mor bwysig yw cefnogi ein gilydd mewn gofod anfeirniadol. Roedd yn hyfryd siarad â gwahanol bobl gyda syniadau gwahanol.” -Alice
"Roedd yn brynhawn bendigedig yn dysgu sut i wneud baneri. Roeddwn i wrth fy modd gyda chreadigrwydd yr holl fenywod oedd yn cymryd rhan a'r sgyrsiau oedd yn procio'r meddwl. Roedd yn anrhydedd bod yn rhan ohono." -Amanda
“Roedd y gweithdy baner yn therapiwtig iawn ac yn ofod diogel i drafod syniadau am bŵer a rheolaeth, ynghyd â phynciau amrywiol eraill. Roeddwn i’n teimlo bod cael caniatâd i greu celf yn rhydd yn grymuso ac roedd gwrando ar straeon bywyd a phrofiadau pobl eraill yn ysbrydoledig.” - Tif
“Fe wnes i fwynhau’r gweithdy yn fawr. Rhannodd Katie lyfrau a thaflenni gwych i'n hysbrydoli a detholiad hyfryd o gyflenwadau crefft i gwblhau'r baneri. Roedd yn hyfryd cael seibiant gydag eneidiau hoff cytûn a myfyrio ar ba mor bell y mae menywod wedi dod ers cael y bleidlais ym 1918 (ond dim ond os oeddent dros 30 oed)." - Kath
IWD 2023 kicked off on the 4th March with a banner workshop led by artist Katie Smith. Here are some reflections of the workshop by individual participants:
"I really enjoyed the afternoon. Everybody was friendly and it was fantastic to listen to each other's opinions on women's role in society. Even though it was a banner workshop, it was equally an opportunity for me to listen to and learn from the younger generation." - Anne
"It's been a while since I've done any sewing and I was worried I'd make a mess of it! It quickly became apparent that the camaraderie between the group was far more important than my ropey sewing skills. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the history of banner-making as a way for women to express themselves and it's inspired me to keep sewing. The supportive and inclusive conversation we had amongst the diverse group was so reassuring and uplifting."
"I enjoyed learning to sew - even though I kept getting it wrong! While I was sewing, we talked about how important it is to support each other in a non-judgmental space. It was lovely to talk to different people with different ideas." - Alice
"It was a wonderful afternoon learning how to make banners. I loved the creativeness of all the women taking part and the thought provoking conversations. It was an honour to be a part of."
“I found the banner workshop very therapeutic and a safe space to discuss notions of power and control, along with various other topics. I felt that being allowed to create art freely was empowering and listening to other people’s life stories and experiences inspiring.” - Tif
“I really enjoyed the workshop. Katie provided some great books and handouts for inspiration and a nicely curated selection of craft supplies to complete the banners. It was lovely to take time out with like minded souls and reflect on how far women have come since getting the vote in 1918 (but only then if they were over the age of 30).”
Cerdd ga | Poem by Rufus Mufasa
Ysgrifennwyd y gerdd yn wreiddiol yn Saesne
The poem was originally written in English.
Ysgrifennodd Rufus Mufasa gerdd i fyfyrio ar ddigwyddiad Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod yr amgueddfa:
Rufas Mufasa wrote a poem in reflection of the museum’s International Women’s Day event:
Come - stitch these women back in-to-our_fabrics
Morse code never give up
Acappella my everything 100
Embrace Equity Accolades - women stand up
Focus on the faith & the majesty
Not the romance & the tragedy
The magnitude of understanding
Can't comprehend the standard of study
The supreme gifts of a Treforest girl
To the star of the show in elite London
Rejoice in her cutting edge contributions
But it can't make the crimes undone
We'd rather sing of you
Than stand at your grave & weep
Head on right in to war
With no shoes on our feet
No-one gets left behind
No more judgement do we accept
No predetermined paths to follow
No crumbs - we coming for the bread
& we will no longer be the exception
We hold our own in any boardroom
You need to reshape your perception
Step-up ...
Diolch i bawb a fynychodd ac a gymerodd ran. Rydym yn gobeithio parhau i dynnu sylw at ferched anhygoel, deinamig a gwych Pontypridd!
We thank everyone who attended and participated. We hope to continue to highlight the wonderful, dynamic, and brilliant women of Pontypridd!
#IWD2023 #CofleidioCyfiawnder #EmbraceJustice
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